Monday, August 10, 2009

Watch my language? What ever!!

Even better yet: “Where is my COPY of the collective agreement and the constitution“
For those of us who can read (SEIU may want to think other wise), we would like to see these copies mail directly to our homes….along with a copy of the Road To Hell Time. I mean “The Road To Travel Time” my bad. Which are the changes made to our collective agreement, which ended June 2008; you know the changes we went out on strike for. (lol) Yeh, Yeh, we voted on it because we had to save our jobs some how and possibly shave it until June/10…I heard that Red Cross actually had SEIU by the balls. If that weren’t true then we wouldn’t have to now worry about losing hours to act like we work in a building such as a hospital or nursing home and punching a clock for proof of our shifts.

I couldn’t believe my supervisor telling me that I may now lose some of my clients which I have been servicing for years even though my seniority is pretty much up there. As per my supervisor it’s unfortunate but this will be as per the collective agreement once they have completed their rescheduling for this September (I smell another job coming).

I believe that this agreement has bargained out junior worker how far down the seniority list not sure, who knows? It could be workers who have 3 years seniority and less that may not even get hours and find them selves bargained out of a job. That Sucks Big Time for every one.

This shows the lack of bargaining experience with SEIU…Look at the bargaining language that was used in our collective agreement. Which the Secretary Treasure herself said was disgusting and couldn’t believe it. She had made it clear at that time that our existing contract should have been thrown out the window. And she was going to make it right and with some choice words in the mix (at our strategy meeting one of the 14 held in the branches Mar-Apr /08). At the time when she was expressing herself, I thought of Charlton Heston when he made the stance at a rally on gun control “From my cold dead hands” in the state of Illinois. No, that wasn’t the case as we can see today…It was from sweaty hands that couldn’t get or make it better.

So, June /10 is approaching very quickly. What’s happening next or what worries me is what’s happening in the background today with CCAC. Who is quietly securing their best interest, client care. It maybe best to start thinking on securing our best interest as working PSW’s and understanding the options that we do have with Red Cross and SEIU.

Some points.

Back to the request: The collective agreement – is a must to know how the do’s, don’ts, polices and procedures govern your rights as an employee and a dues paying member.

The constitution - which also, informs us as members to know our limitations, opportunities and perception of the union to which we pay our dues to. To identify when and if they are forth coming and acting in our best interest at all times. It also acknowledges the steps to which members can take to make compulsory.

The Road To Travel Time: This booklet was a total waste of dues money. What was wrong with a photo copy, construction paper cover and staples sent to each members mailing address and the price of a stamp vs. the cost of this booklet.

June 2010 our collective agreement is renewable again…that scary dodo. We need to do away with the imposed scheduling stupid ness of putting us in shifts; WE Work in the community not in the Concord office setting. We just want to know that seniority is being followed to a tee and getting 1st crack of any new client with in our region. We should be able to choose our schedules accordingly, remember most of us have 2&3 jobs. Now, we may have to make a choice between R/C or the other supplement job/s that could also be paying more. Red Cross is never permanent hours.

Language in the collective agreement should be just that able to understand…have you been called in to pick your stat holidays yet…I had to sit and consider exactly what I was picking and which will I be entitled to be working this year and half the year is already gone ( Homer Simpson came to mind). The Language was disgusting on that single piece of paper that even the supervisor chuckled. Talk straight no possible loopholes, cause I wanted to use some choice words which would have described the language used.

Bargained out of a job Tis, tis , SEIU. This best not happen; each paying member has a right to fair bargaining to protect his or her job. Just like what’s good for one region may not be good for all. Where is your knowledge and know how in protecting each unit. Did you forget about the SICK TIME. Maybe R/C is too much for SEIU to handle (Hmmm).

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Not Seen Not Found (NSNF)

The protocol now for NSNF is as follows:

You are to call your scheduler ASAP at the nearest phone.
Report the not seen not found to scheduler or coordinator (depending on the time of evening), not to there voice mail-must be a live call.

The scheduler will then attempt to contact client and if the client answers the phone and is available for the visit then you continue to the visit.

If the scheduler is unable to contact the client the scheduler will then contact CHS Supervisor to which they will follow their protocol in the NSNF policy.

The scheduler or service coordinator will attempt to reschedule you (the worker) with another client that day not the next day or the following week. If this is not possible for scheduling to do then Red Cross must pay you for the time of the booked NSNF in that same two-week pay period.

Now this is not the case. Some workers have already been having trouble with this newly revamped policy. Which there should be a letter of understanding in the new collective agreement….I don’t think anyone has really seen it due to, each branch has their own ideas and understanding to the revamped policy. (Remember the membership has not received a copy of the new collective agreement with any letters of understanding).

In short, SEIU wants it the way it’s worded above but R/C understands it, that, as long as they rebook NSNF’s with-in the same pay period everything is hunky-dory. So, do our stewards now put in grievances? Because if there are any discrepancies between SEIU and R/C it warrants the grievance procedure…. which leaves us to say who’s right and who has it wrong? When we are selves don’t have it in official print/documentation.